As a woman, I have faced many challenges my entire life. At birth I was abandoned by my father and as an adult by the man I considered was the love of my life. I have found myself without a place to sleep, without anything to eat, in deep depression, hopelessly unhappy, alone and separated from my family. For many years, I was undocumented, unable to communicate with others because of the language barriers and for those very reason unemployed without a cent in my pocket, among many other things!
What I am sharing with you today isn’t with the intention to create a spectacle around what I, Marianella Aguirre was, is and will be. It’s more about allocating with the women I know and those I do not know, that nothing is impossible and that everything is possible for those who believe.. There is no pain, sorrow or distress that last 100 years and no one dies of a broken heart.
When you begin to love, value and admire yourself the very way our Lord and creator does (with eyes filled with love, respect and compassion) then and only then will you no longer care who doesn’t love you and who rejects you! Whether, having kids and not being married, turning 40 and being single without children, is no longer of importance. Your worth isn’t a husband, how much money you have, how many kids you have or whatever body image you desire to be. Your true worth is limitless and it’s based of your essences, the essences of being a WOMAN!
There is no one like you, do not allow your past mistakes dictate the present and future. Reconcile with God. He as our father and savior is always willing to receive, cleanse us of our sins and heal the wounds that others have inflicted on us including the wounds we’ve inflicted on ourselves. God rights our wrongs!
Reconcile with yourself as well, forgive yourself, and don’t judge yourself so harshly. Instead, I challenge you to love yourself, be courageous and rise above. Today is a perfect day to start fresh. I reiterate, everything is possible for those who believe!
Many Blessings!
Marianella Aguirre
Founder of Green Spa on the Go